  • 软件名称:作物胁迫无人机遥感监测研究评述
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★★★★
  • 开 发 商: 黄耀欢, 李中华, 朱海涛
  • 软件来源: 《地球信息科学学报》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net




关键词: 无人机, 遥感监测, 作物胁迫, 光谱成像, 热红外传感器, 农业发展, 评述


Crop stress is an important factor restricting global agricultural development. Monitoring and understanding rapid, large-scale and real-time crop stress is of great significance for agricultural production. However, traditional methods of crop stress monitoring (such as fields surveys, physical and chemical detection, and satellite remote sensing), are strongly influenced by field and atmospheric conditions, temporal and spatial resolution, and labor costs. Rapid development of UAV platforms and various lightweight sensors, provide new solutions for various crop stress monitoring. These offer multiple advantages, primarily high frequency and speed. The introduction of various mainstream UAV platforms such as multi-rotor and fixed-wing, and sensors such as visible light digital camera, multispectral camera, hyperspectral camera, and thermal infrared camera has allowed for more efficient crop monitoring. This review explores the main biotic and abiotic stress types used by UAV remote sensing systems for crop monitoring. Biotic stressors mainly include miscellaneous grass stress, plant diseases, and insect pests stress. Abiotic stressors predominantly include water and nutrient stress. The application and technical methods of UAV remote sensing system monitoring of crop stress, based on spectral imaging and thermal infrared sensor technology are discussed. Sensitive bands and common vegetation indices used for crop stress monitoring are identified. Finally, key issues associated with UAV remote sensing and the future use of UAV remote sensing for crop stress monitoring are discussed. The advancement of UAV remote sensing technology, could contribute to improved identification and monitoring of crop stress in the near future.

Key words: UAV, remote sensing monitoring, crop stress, spectral imaging, thermal infrared sensor, agricultural development, review



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