  • 软件名称:地理国情监测成果与规划用地数据的关联转换方法
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★★★★
  • 开 发 商: 刘稳, 詹庆明, 刘权毅, 司瑶, 黄启雷, 樊智宇
  • 软件来源: 《地球信息科学学报》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net




关键词: 地理国情, 城市(镇)总体规划, 用地分类, 自然资源, 空间规划, 武汉市


In the context of institutional adjustments and planning system reform, spatial planning has become a prominent approach to effectively supporting land resource management in a more scientific and sustainable manner. However, new requirements arise for basic map data of spatial planning to better settle the overlaps and contradictions among land use planning, urban master planning, and major function zoning. Integrating geographical condition monitoring data, which has the advantages of objectivity, precision, and accuracy, as an important data into the basic information platform of territorial space can greatly improve the solidity and authority of spatial planning. Firstly, this paper analyzed the differences between the two classification systems of geographical condition and land uses for urban master planning. Then, the overall framework for the association and conversion between geographic condition monitoring data and land use data of urban master planning was constructed, and specific methods were proposed from four aspects: the correspondence principle, corresponding relationships, consistency evaluation, and difference analysis. Finally, suggestions for optimizing geographical condition monitoring were proposed by taking an urban-rural fringe area in Wuhan for experimental study. Results show that the method of association and conversion between geographical condition monitoring data and urban planning land use data could be used to establish the relationship between the two classifications and to realize the conversion from geographic monitoring data to land use data for urban master planning, but the conversion effect of different land use types varied to some extent. The many-to-one corresponding relationship mainly existed between the classification of geographical condition and the classification of urban-rural land uses, thus difficult to implement the direct conversion. A clear corresponding relationship could be established between urban comprehensive functional unit and some types of urban construction land, and there was a relatively high consistency between them. To realize seamless connection and effective conversion between geographic national condition monitoring data and land use data for urban master planning, we should further improve monitoring content, optimize land use classification, and unify technical standards, so as to better apply geographical condition monitoring data in spatial planning. Our findings provide an effective reference and scientific basis for optimizing and improving the affairs of geographical condition monitoring in the future and for promoting its applications in natural resource management and spatial planning.

Key words: geographical condition, urban master planning, land use classification, natural resources, spatial planning, Wuhan



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