  • 软件名称:面向全空间的管道天然气贸易关联关系挖掘
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★★★★
  • 开 发 商: 张宏, 王礼茂, 宋涛, 刘大庆, 文娜
  • 软件来源: 《地球信息科学学报》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net




关键词: 全空间信息系统, 管道天然气贸易, 复杂网络, 关联关系, 挖掘分析


In the view of pan-spatial information system, we apply the complex network analysis method to analyze and visualize the relationship among the major countries in the complex network of the global pipeline natural gas from its attribute relations, temporal relations, spatial relations and comprehensive relations. The results indicate that the path dependence of the trade of pipeline natural gas is prominent and the global trade of pipeline natural gas is evolutionarily stable, indicating the "small world" characteristics of the regional market. Due to the differences in regional resource endowments, the trade of pipeline natural gas forms "core-edge" network structure. The trade of pipeline natural gas is mainly concentrated in Eurasia. In 2009, the demand center of global pipeline natural gas trade was located in European countries. In 2015, the dual demand core network relationship between Western Europe and China was formed. At the same time, we expounds the characteristics of the pan-spatial information system and prospects of the application of the platform based on the excavation analysis and visual expression of the complex network of global natural gas pipeline.

Key words: pan-spatial information system, the trade of pipeline nature gas, complex network, association relationship, mining analysis



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