  • 软件名称:基于可持续性视角的建设用地适宜性评价及其应用
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★★★★
  • 开 发 商: 喻忠磊, 庄立, 孙丕苓, 梁进社, 张文新
  • 软件来源: 《地球信息科学学报》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net



建设用地适宜性是土地资源利用与管理决策的依据。本文基于土地利用可持续性界定建设用地适宜性内涵,从灾害风险、地形地貌、生态环境和区位条件4个维度,构建了较规范的适宜性指标体系;针对已有评价方法的不足,构建了整合极值法、条件函数法、线性加权综合的“多要素分布式算法——情景矩阵”评估框架;进而基于适宜性识别冲突空间,以空间冲突面积占总建设用地面积的比重作为空间冲突强度来刻画区域建设空间布局的合理性与可持续性。本文以新疆玛纳斯县为例开展研究,结果表明玛纳斯县适宜建设空间(达230 km2以上)约占全县总面积的26%;最适宜和比较适宜性建设用地主要分布于中部及中北部乡镇及农(团)场驻地附近,基本适宜建设区主要分布在比较适宜建设空间的外围及中南部山前平原地带;该县冲突空间达4.21 km2,占建成区面积的22.74‰;冲突空间主要分布在河流沿岸和中部城镇化发展区;南部、北部的生态脆弱区及中部工业化发展区的乡镇空间冲突强度也较高。研究表明,本文提出的建设用地适宜性评估框架与方法逼近客观现实,简单易行,能弥补以往评价方法的不足;适宜性在空间冲突分析与可持续性土地利用管理中具有较好的应用价值。

关键词: 建设用地, 适宜性, 空间冲突, 多要素分布式算法, 情景矩阵, 玛纳斯县


Land suitability for construction is fundamentally useful to land use planning and management. In this study, we defined a connotation of land suitability for construction based on land use sustainability, and constructed a standardized indicator system of suitability from four dimensions of disaster risk, terrain, ecological environment and location. Against the deficiency of the exiting evaluation method, we constructed an evaluation framework of multifactor-distributed algorithm and scenario matrices integrating extreme value methods, conditional function methods and linear weighted comprehensive methods. This study discerned the conflict space based on suitability and used the proportion of conflict area of total built-up area as space conflict intensity to measure the reasonability and sustainability of spatial distribution. This study took Manasi County, Xinjiang Province as a case and the results indicated that: (1) the potential suitable construction land is very sufficient, the total area suitable for construction is more than 230 km2 (around 26% of the total area of the county). The land with suitability grade 4 and 5 mainly distribute in Manasi town, Letuyi town, Farm 147, Xinhu Farm and the farms in northern area. The land with rank 3 distributes in outlying regions of land of rank over 3 and the piedmont plain in central south. (2) the space with conflicts is up to 4.21 km2, 22.74‰ of the built-up area. The spatial conflicts are mainly distributed along the Manasi River and Taxi River, in the environmental fragile zone and in the central industrialized urban area of the county as well. This case study suggested that the framework and evaluation methodology of construction land suitability proposed in this paper is viable and close to the reality. It can offset the disadvantages of existing evaluation methods for construction land suitability. In addition, the suitability assessment of land for construction can play an important role in spatial conflict analysis.

Key words: construction land, suitability, spatial conflict, multi-factor distributed algorithms, mutual exclusion matrix based scenario analysis, Manasi County



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