  • 软件名称:地质断层三维建模的表达式方法
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★★★★
  • 开 发 商: 孙劲光, 高天鹏
  • 软件来源: 《地球信息科学学报》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net




关键词: 地质断层, 断层表达式, 表达式规则, 断层抽象模型, 断层可视化


The limitations of expressing faults, the interpolation dilemma and other problems exist in the 3D modeling and the visualization technique of geological faults. Through our research, the reason why these problems exist is that these methods mainly focus on the geometrical morphology of the geological faults and do not concern the formation mechanism of the geological faults. As we all know, no matter how complex the geologic bodies that containing the geological faults are, the formation mechanisms which they depend on are similar. Besides, the modeling of the geologic faults is composed of a series of processes. If we can model the faults through certain ways to express their formation mechanisms, then we may solve the above mentioned problems and limitations. Thus, we proposed an expression method to express the formation mechanism for modeling and visualizing the geological faults. Firstly, we analyzed the operands and operators needed to construct the geological fault expression, constructed the rules for the expression based on the theory of formation mechanism of the geological faults, and used the context-free grammar rules to describe the rules for fault expression based on the formation mechanism. Then, we formated the original fault exploration data to the standardize 2D data table, extracted the operators and operands from the 2D data table to construct the expression of geological faults. Finally, we calculated the expression fomular to generate the abstract faults model and achieved the three-dimensional geological modeling with the relevant exploration data based on the abstract faults model. Experiment is carried out based on DaLian River geological data which comprising a plurality of geological faults. Geological modeling results show that the expression method solves the limitations of fault expression, and avoids the interpolation dilemma accured in the geological layer fracture zone.

Key words: geological fault, expression of fault, rules of expression, abstract fault model, visualization of fault



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