  • 软件名称:京津冀地区植被时空动态及定量归因
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★★★★
  • 开 发 商: 阎世杰, 王欢, 焦珂伟
  • 软件来源: 《地球信息科学学报》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net




关键词: NDVI, 空间分布, 空间异质性, 定量归因, 地理探测器, 京津冀地区


Vegetation is a sensitive indicator of global climatic changes, and hydrothermal conditions are the main abiotic factors that determine the phenology, spatial pattern, and dynamics of vegetation. Thus, against the background of a changing climate, the climate-vegetation relationship is a hot topic in current global change research. Using geodetector, this study integrated climatic factors (e.g., average temperature, precipitation, water vapor pressure, humidity, sunshine hours, standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index), topographic factors (e.g., slope and elevation), and anthropogenic factors to determine the dominant factors that influenced the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region from 2006 to 2015. Different seasons, geomorphological types, and vegetation types were considered during the quantitative attribution analysis. This study revealed the temporal and spatial pattern of vegetation, and the response of vegetation to climate and non-climate factors over the past 10 years, and provided a reference for the construction and restoration of ecological engineering. Trend analysis showed that the NDVI increased during this period, albeit with differences on different spatial scales. In montane regions, the NDVI increased more rapidly than in plains, terraces, and hills. In different vegetation-covered areas, the NDVI increased most rapidly in broadleaf forest, followed by shrubland and coniferous forest. Based on the results of the quantitative distribution analysis, at the temporal scale of one year, precipitation was the dominant factor driving NDVI and explained 39.4% of the spatial distribution, while the interaction of rainfall and land use was the dominant interaction factor, with a q value of 0.582. We observed seasonal and regional differences in the response of NDVI to climatic factors. In the four seasons, vapour pressure was the dominant factor for the spatial distribution of NDVI; humidity is the dominant factor in summer and autumn; and in winter, land use was the dominant factor for NDVI distribution. The explanatory power of the influencing factors on NDVI in the growing season differed in diverse geomorphological types. In montane areas, with increasing elevation, the q value of average temperature decreased. The explanatory power of impacting factors on NDVI of the growing season was different among diverse vegetation types. For different vegetation types, the explanatory power of precipitation on the spatial distribution of NDVI in the growing season was greater than that of mean temperature, with the q value ranked as following grassland > cultivated vegetation > shrubland > broadleaf forest >coniferous forest. In coniferous forest distributed areas, the explanatory power of single factors was insignificant; however, the interaction between two factors can greatly enhance the q value, and the interaction between moisture factors and topographic factors was the dominant factor.

Key words: spatial distribution, NDVI, spatial heterogeneity, quantitative attribution, geodetector, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region



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