  • 软件名称:基于现场观测的星载雷达高度计定标方法进展
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 张宇飞,蒋兴伟,马超飞
  • 软件来源: 《遥感技术与应用》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


摘要: 综述了截至目前的高度计定标相关进展。简要论述了星载雷达高度计的发展历史,高度计的主要误差来源,并以此引出并重点论述了用以校正这些误差来源并获得定标参数的3种基于现场观测的高度计定标方法,分别为依据GPS浮标、锚系压力验潮仪阵列以及沿岸验潮仪进行现场观测方法。同时论述了高度计定标场的历史发展,分析了国际高度计定标场的建设现状,重点介绍了国际上4个主要的业务化高度计定标场:Harvest石油平台、Bass海峡定标场、Corsica岛定标场、Gavdos岛定标场与我国为HY-2定标建设中的珠海万山定标场。通过对定标方法与国际业务化定标场的介绍,将为我国HY-2系列星载高度计万山定标场建设提供一定的思路。 关键词: 星载雷达高度计;  现场观测;  绝对定标     Abstract: The satellite radar altimeter calibration progress as of now is mainly summarized in this paper. The paper presents a short history of the altimeter development and the error sources of the altimeter. Then the paper comes to the Three methods of in-situ altimeter absolute calibration for error correction and get the Bais. Those three methods are the GPS buoys observation, the mooring tide gauge observation and the coastal tide gauge observation. The paper also discusses the history of the altimetry calibration and the international situation of the altimeter calibration sites. The 4 service calibration sites in the world including the Harvest Platform, the Bass calibration site, the Corsica Island calibration site and the Gavdos calibration site are introduced. Besides the paper introduces the dedicated calibration site for HY-2 series in Wanshan, Zhuhai. By introducing the methods of absolute calibration and the international calibration sites, the paper provides references for the HY-2 series calibration sites for China.



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