  • 软件名称:新疆轮台奎玉克协海尔古城空间考古综合研究
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 于丽君,聂跃平,杨林,朱建峰,孙雨,刘芳,高华光
  • 软件来源: 《遥感技术与应用》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


摘要: 西域都护府是西汉政府在西域设置的管理机构,位于丝绸之路的战略要地,地处新疆轮台县境内,但城址具体的地理位置目前尚无定论。根据西部干旱区的环境特点,整合了遥感、地球物理、田野调查及空间分析方法,选取了可见光、雷达影像、历史航片,分析不同时相、不同尺度影像上的形状和光谱特征,提取了奎玉克协海尔古城的考古异常区域,发现了疑似壕沟、城墙和城门等遗迹;根据遥感异常区域采用地球物理和考古钻探进行了验证,确认考古目标,初步探明了遗址的内部结构。基于该遗址的地望、距西域各国城址的距离、城 址形制、规格、绝对年代测定等综合考证,提出了奎玉克协海尔古城就是西域都护府的治所所在地的假设。 关键词: 奎玉克协海尔古城;  遥感;  地球物理;  14C测年')" href="#">14C测年;  无损探测;  西域都护府     Abstract: The Protectorate of the Western Regions was the administrative agency established by the Western Han government in the Western Region. It was located in the area of strategic importance along the Silk Road in Luntai county of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. However, its accurate location is still inconclusive. From 2015 to 2017, according to the environmental characteristics of the western arid zone, we identified archaeological features such as moat, city wall and city gate based on the analysis of the shape and spectral characteristics in remotely sensed data (visible light images, radar images and historic aerial photo), using a method integrating remote sensing, geophysics, fieldwork and spatial analysis. These archaeological features were verified via geophysics and archaeological drilling, and the internal structure of the ancient city has been preliminarily explored. Finally, it was concluded that the ancient city of Koyuk Shahri was the Protectorate of the Western Regions, based on the comprehensive textual research of the site location, distances to cities in the Western Region according to the Book of Han, the shape and structure of the cities, the specifications, and the absolute dating of the sites.



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