  • 软件名称:基于Python的生态监测物联网数据自动采汇中间件应用研究
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 胡飞虎,郭建文,吴阿丹,杨鹏飞,李亚珍
  • 软件来源: 《遥感技术与应用》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


摘要: 针对生态监测物联网数据自动获取和采集过程中的应用需求,参考此前研发的相关子系统,分析了其原生的不足之处,用面向对象理念进行了全新设计,使其以多源异构数据自动采汇中间件的形式呈现,被后端的观测数据自动综汇平台调用。该中间件具有灵活的可扩展性,能够与不同厂商、不同来源的物联网数据采集设备协作,获取实时的多源异构监测数据,然后对数据进行归一化处理后,自动汇总存入监测数据库。该中间件运用模块化的软件工程理念设计,主要由数据自动获取模块、数据自动解析处理模块、数据自动入库模块这3部分组成,模块之间高内聚、低耦合,以数据流为纽带,紧密配合,完成整个监测数据流采集入库的全自动化处理流程。与原有子系统相比较,其具有更明确的模块划分、更高的灵活性和更好的可维护性。该中间件采用简洁高效的Python语言实现,完全采用面向对象编程思想,所有类的设计遵循单一职责原则,面向接口编程,保证了程序具备稳定的功能和灵活的扩展性。该中间件经过充分测试及几个月的试运行,能够满足现有生态监测物联网监测数据的自动获取、解析处理和入库的业务需求。对于野外地理环境和生态环境的监测,只要涉及类似的数据采集处理流程,本文设计和实现的数据自动采汇中间件都具有一定的参考意义和应用价值。 关键词: 生态监测;  物联网(IOT);  中间件;  Python;  自动入库;  数据自动采汇     Abstract: According to the application requirements in the process of data automatic acquisition and collection of the ecological monitoring Internet of Things. This paper refers to the related systems and developed a multi-source heterogeneous data automatic collection and aggregation middleware. The middleware had flexible scalability, it could cooperate with data sensing and collecting devices of ecological monitoring Internet of things from different manufacturers, obtain multi-source heterogeneous real-time data, then automatically stored the data into database after normalization. Based on modular design concept, the middleware was composed of three modules: data automatic collecting module, data automatic parsing processing module and data automatic storage module. These modules had high cohesion and low coupling, and closely cooperated to complete the full automatic processing of the monitoring data flow. The middleware was implemented with Python, which were fully used the object-oriented programming. The design of the class was followed by a single responsibility principle and interfaces-oriented programming, which ensured the top-down inheritance and extensibility of the program. The middleware has been fully tested for several months, and it could accomplish the business requirements of monitoring data collecting, parsing processing and automatic warehousing of the ecological monitoring Internet of Things. For the ecological monitoring IoT system, the data automatic collection and aggregation middleware has considerable reference significance and application value.



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