  • 软件名称:阵列推扫式机载激光雷达三维点云解算方法研究
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 黎荆梅,周梅,李传荣
  • 软件来源: 《遥感技术与应用》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


摘要: 激光雷达(LiDAR)系统能够快速获取高精度数字地表模型,广泛应用于国土资源调查、地形测量、林业、灾害评估等方面。LiDAR系统采集的原始数据必须经过点云解算才能生成满足应用需求的三维点云,为此,在分析阵列推扫式机载激光雷达系统成像原理的基础上,详细推导了基于同平台POS数据的三维坐标解算模型,提出了面向该系统的激光雷达三维点云解算方法以实现三维点云的生成,利用飞行试验数据解算结果验证了此方法的有效性。该方法适用于同类型阵列推扫式机载激光雷达的点云解算。 关键词: 机载激光雷达;  阵列推扫;  三维点云解算     Abstract: LiDAR is widely used in land and resource survey,topographic survey,forestry,disaster evaluation and other fields,as it can obtain high precision surface model rapidly.The raw data of LiDAR cannot be used directly unless the points position be calculated firstly.So based on the analysis of the principle of the LiDAR System,a model of linear array push\|broom LiDAR points position calculation is derivated,and a method of LiDAR point cloud calculation is put forward.The effectiveness of the method is proved by the experimental results of test flight data.The method is suitable for LiDAR with the same scanning mode.



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