  • 软件名称:基于遥感影像的线性构造自动提取
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 刘春学,倪春中,燕永锋,谭喨
  • 软件来源: 《遥感技术与应用》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


摘要: 断裂带、断层等地质构造属于地质薄弱区,由于侵蚀等作用会形成线状地貌,表现出线性构造(lineament),可以通过遥感影像上的色调变化进行解译,进而了解断裂的空间展布,推测矿产资源的地下分布、判断地质稳定性。利用线段追踪法(Segment Tracing Algorithm,STA),首先以某一遥感像素为中心分若干个方向在给定大小的搜索窗口内搜索像素值的连续性,然后对连续性好的像素应用地质统计学按一定的阈值判定其是否为线素,再根据像素值在该方向上的变化进行脊谷判定,进而按照一定距离和角度标准把判别为山谷的像素连接成线性构造,最后将重复的线素删除,从而实现遥感影像的线性构造识别。从该方法在个旧锡矿遥感影像(DEM)的应用来看,STA识别的线性构造和实测断裂(层)的走向能较好的吻合,与实测断裂(层)之间的对应关系较好,但在线素连接上需要给定人为设置的参数,还需要进一步改进算法。 关键词: 线性构造;  遥感;  STA;  个旧锡矿     Abstract: As the geological weak zones,faults are always eroded as linear geomorphologies which can be distinguished as lineaments by the color variation in remote sensing images.Lineaments help to understand the spatial distribution of faults,and then estimate the stability of rocks and predicate the underground mineral resources distributions.For any pixel in the remote sensing image,STA (Segment Tracing Algorithm) first determines a searching window centered at it,then finds the most continuous direction from the several directions divided in the searching window.Next STA identifies the pixel whether is a line using a threshold value which can be obtained using geostatistics.Then STA distinguishes whether the line pixel is a valley or a ridge by analyzing the variation along the direction.Those valley line pixels in a certain distance and angle tolerance are connected as a lineament.While those reduplicate line pixels should be deleted.From the application of the STA in the eastern district of Gejiu tin mine,the extracting lineaments coincide well to the measured faults,and fit the trend of measured faults well.But some parameters of STA need to be given by operators,the algorithm still should be improved. 



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