  • 软件名称:Pléiades卫星影像融合方法与质量评价
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 胡洋,习晓环,王成,肖勇
  • 软件来源: 《遥感技术与应用》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


摘要: Pléiades星座是法国国家空间中心近年发射的极高空间分辨率卫星,定位精度高、刈幅宽,可实现全球任意一点的每天重访。利用主成分分析、Pansharping、小波IHS变换、小波主成分、小波单波段变换、高通滤波以及Ehlers共7种数据融合方法,对试验区的Pléiades全色和多光谱数据进行融合处理;从融合前后影像的信息熵、标准差、平均梯度、偏差指数、光谱相关系数和通用图像质量评价指数等方面对不同方法的融合效果进行了评价。结果表明:小波主成分和Pansharping方法都可以取得非常好的融合效果。 关键词: 高分辨率卫星;  Plé;  iades卫星;  影像融合;  质量评价指标     Abstract: Pléiades is an optical observation system designed by National Centre for Space Studies of France.It consists of two identical satellites,that is,Pléiades-1A and Pléiades-1B,launched on Dec.17,2011 and on Dec.2,2012 respectively.Operating on a phased orbit,the Pléiades system affords a daily revisit capability on any point of the globe.And comparing with other systems,such as QuickBird and GeoEye,it has the advantage of 3 m position precision and of 20 km wider swath.Therefore,it will better address the civilian application in disaster response,precision mapping and so on.The paper explores 7 methods of data fusion,such as PCA,Pansharping,wavelet\|IHS,wavelet\|PCA,wavelet\|single band,HPF and Ehlers,to process Pléiades-1A multispectral and panchromatic images.In order to evaluate their performances,6 indexes are used,which are entropy,standard error,average gradient,deviation index,spectral correlation coefficient and UIQI.The results show that the method of wavelet-PCA and Pansharping algorithms are more suitable and can get the best results.



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