  • 软件名称:基于TVDI河北省干热风同期土壤湿度监测研究
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 姜亚珍,张瑜洁,孙琛,游松财
  • 软件来源: 《遥感技术与应用》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


摘要: 干热风是高温低湿型的灾害性天气。河北省是干热风易发地区,进行干热风易发期土壤湿度监测研究,对于评估干热风的影响与危害具有重要意义。选用2010年河北省干热风同期5~6月Terra/MODIS8期地表反射率产品MOD09A1和地表温度(LST)产品MOD11A2,通过构建LST\|EVI特征空间,得到温度植被干旱指数(TVDI)反映的河北省各时段的土壤湿度空间分布图。另外分析TVDI值与对应气象站点降水数据变化的趋势关系和二者的定量相关关系,发现降水数据变化与TVDI有较显著的负相关性,通过α=0.05显著性检验。基于研究结果可快速有效地反映研究区土壤湿度等级与空间分布变化状况,与及时更新的气象数据(风速、气温、降水等)相结合,在根据已有指标监测到干热风发生的基础上,评估干热风的影响与危害。 关键词: 干热风;  TVDI;  土壤湿度     Abstract: Dry-hot wind is disastrous weather with high air temperature and low air humidity.Hebei province locates dry\|hot wind prone area.So it is significant to monitor the soil moisture of Hebei during the late wheat growth stage.The article uses 8 pairs of MOD09A1 and MOD11A2 products.Using enhanced vegetation index(EVI)derived from MOD09A1 and land surface temperature(LST)derived from MOD11A2,LST\|EVI two\|dimensional characteristic space was constructed,and then TVDI was extracted to indicate the top\|soil moisture of Hebei province.Furthermore,this paper analyzes the tendency and quantified relationship of TVDI and precipitation data,and find that the two groups of data showed a strong relationship.The results can provide soil moisture spatial distribution and trend of rainfall data.Combining with the meteorology data( wind speed,air temperature,et al.),we can evaluate the influence and harm of dry\|hot wind.



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