  • 软件名称:基于开源平台构建文献计量地理信息系统
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 王雪梅,李新,马志程,马明,赵国剑
  • 软件来源: 《遥感技术与应用》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


摘要: 地理信息系统(Geographical Information System,GIS)在文献计量学中的应用是GIS应用拓展的一个新方向,近10年来得到越来越广泛的应用,特别是在空间相关信息展示和查询等方面发展迅速。为了方便非GIS专业人员应用GIS技术进行文献计量信息挖掘、制图和空间分析等操作,利用开源GIS软件DotSpatial开发文献计量GIS工具,可以满足用户数据导入、指标计算、图层和视图操作以及制图输出等需求。研究结果显示:通过研发的文献计量GIS工具可以比较快捷地实现文献指标的空间展示和制图目的。  关键词: 地理信息系统;  文献计量;  空间展示;  制图;  开源平台     Abstract: It is a new direction to expand the Geographical Information System (GIS) application areas by integrating GIS technologies with Bibliometrics.In recent 10 years,GIS was applied in bibliometrics more and more extensively.A bibliometric GIS tool was developed based on the open source GIS software DotSpatial,which is aim to help the non\|GIS professionals to make the operations of spatial information mining,query,map\|making and analysis.Its main functions include literature data import,geo\|spatial linked information extraction,indicator calculation,layer operation,view operation,and map output.The analysis results show that this tool can realize the spatial display and map\|making of the scientific literature.Therefore,it is a practical thematic GIS tool. 



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