  • 软件名称:多年冻土元数据标准研究和应用
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 史健宗,南卓铜,赵林
  • 软件来源: 《遥感技术与应用》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


摘要: 元数据标准不仅是规范管理数据资源、实现数据资源最大化共享的基础,同时也对多种类型数据的入库过程进行一定程度的约定和规范,以确保数据的全面性和准确性。因此,基于不同学科的数据特点,在元数据标准建立的基础上,构建各学科数据库和数据信息平台,以确保科学数据的最大化利用。根据多年冻土及其主要环境因素的数据特点,以地理信息元数据国际标准ISO 19115为模板,参考生态、资源环境、气象和地质等元数据标准,确定了冻土元数据标准编制原则,并较为详细地阐述了冻土元数据实体包之间的层级关系和组织结构、内容及特点。并在此元数据标准基础上,实现了“青藏高原多年冻土本底调查信息系统”。通过本项工作,期望能够进一步促进冻土数据管理和共享。 关键词: 多年冻土;  元数据;  数据共享;  信息系统;  青藏高原     Abstract: Metadata standard is essential for regularizing data resources management and maximizing data sharing.It also is capable of regulating and normalizing data entering process to databases,to ensure data integrity and quality.Metadata standard should be constructed fully aware of disciplinary characteristics that the data reflect.Based on that,a variety of databases and data information systems can be built to facilitate data sharing.It was intended to be developed a metadata standard for permafrost investigation data that captures principal characteristics of permafrost and relevant data.It uses ISO 19115,the international metadata standard of spatial data,as the primary template and references from other country standards including ecological,environmental,meteorological,and geological standards.After a simple introduction of the compilation principals,metadata entities composed of this standard and its hierarchical relationship between entities,as well as its major features,are presented in details.The extensions and modifications from ISO 19115 are also described.Finally,The study established upon this metadata standard,an application,titled "Information System for the Permafrost Background Investigation over the Qinghai\|Tibet Plateau" was built.Through this work,permafrost data management and sharing are expected to be promoted to a higher level.



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