  • 软件名称:一个简单的非水平均匀的大气临边矢量辐射传输模式
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 郜婧婧,段民征,孙淑珍
  • 软件来源: 《遥感技术与应用》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


摘要: 临边或掩星探测是通过对大气的切片式观测方式所建立的反演方法,可以获取大气要素垂直分层的精细分布,是卫星遥感的一种重要方式和方向。目前已有的临边大气辐射传输模式大部分是基于水平均匀分布的一维模式,且以不包含大气偏振模拟的模式为主,而偏振是未来大气遥感的重要手段,特别是在紫外波段的临边探测。为满足我国下一代临边探测的需求,编写了一个基于逐次散射法的临边矢量辐射传输模式,该模式可实现对临边辐射的4个Stokes参数的模拟,并考虑了大气水平非均匀分布的影响。在环境参数完全相同条件下,将标量计算方式下辐射强度的模拟结果与郭霞等的LGLTRAN模式的模拟结果进行比较,结果验证了模式的合理性。在此基础上对不同大气分层条件下的临边Stokes矢量进行了模拟和简单的分析。 关键词: 临边;  非水平均匀;  矢量辐射传输     Abstract: The limb/occultation detection is an important way and direction for the satellite remote sensing.The inversion methods about the limb observation way could get a fine vertical distribution for the atmospheric elements.The most of the limb radiative transfer model have existed currently that are One\|dimensional model based on the horizontal homogeneous atmosphere.And they also ignore the impact of atmospheric polarization.The polarization is an important means for the atmospheric remote sensing,especially for the limb detection in the UV band.In order to meet the demands of limb detection in future,this study developed a limb model for solving vector radiative transfer in the horizontal inhomogeneous atmosphere based on successive order of scattering .And the impact of the horizontal inhomogeneous distribution has been considered in this model.The simulating value of the radiation intensity between research model and the LGLTRAN model that were developed by the Guo Xia et al.have been compared in the condition of exactly same environmental parameters.The result could be proved the reasonableness of this model.At the same time,we also made some simulation and simple analysis for the Stokes vector in the case of different atmospheric stratification.



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