  • 软件名称:面向海量点云快速显示的叠加型金字塔索引结构研究
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 曾祥钊,李传荣,张正,周梅
  • 软件来源: 《遥感技术与应用》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


摘要: 针对激光雷达三维点云数据量大,当计算机内存有限时进行点云读取与处理存在严重滞后的问题,提出了一种叠加型金字塔索引结构。首先,采用一种基于点云最小外包络的不均匀分块策略,将点云数据划分成若干独立的数据块;待分块完成后,利用提出的叠加型索引结构对每个分块构建金字塔;最后,将生成的金字塔按照指定的文件结构存储,生成索引文件。利用机载实测点云数据开展了验证实验,结果表明:该算法有效地降低了索引文件占据的计算机空间资源,实现了海量三维点云数据在有限内存空间的快速显示。 关键词: 激光雷达点云;  三维显示;  金字塔     Abstract: With the development of LiDAR technology,the size of acquired data,known as point cloud has increased rapidly.However,the visualization of massive point cloud proves difficult due to the limited computer memory.To effectively visualize the massive point cloud,numerous data structures have been proposed.Among them,pyramid index structure is an effective method of the fast display for massive point cloud.In order to overcome the display delay caused by limited computer memory,this paper introduces pyramid index structure and proposes an innovative index structure that called superimposition pyramid index structure to improve the performance of the fast display for massive point cloud.First,point cloud data is divided into several cells.Within each cell,the point cloud data is then rearranged according to the structure of superimposition pyramid index proposed in this paper.Finally,each cell is organized to form an index file.The above structure has been implemented and the experiment on point cloud data from airborne LiDAR proves that the superimposition pyramid index structure effectively reduces the consumption of memory cost and accomplishes the fast display for massive point cloud.〖JP〗



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