  • 软件名称:基于ASIFT算法的低重叠度无人机影像拼接方法
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 宋耀鑫,张丹丹,唐伶俐,李传荣,马灵玲
  • 软件来源: 《遥感技术与应用》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


摘要: 在无人机平台上采用低重叠方式成像能够大大提高数据获取效率,可满足包括应急救援和航空侦察等时效性要求很高的特殊领域应用需求。然而,此类影像具有重叠度低和旋转角大的特点,利用常规正射影像镶嵌的方法进行拼接往往带来较大的拼接误差。提出了基于ASIFT算法的低重叠图像配准方法,并对序列影像做光束法平差处理,得到最优变换矩阵后,结合多分辨率样条融合算法进行全景影像输出。实验结果表明:该方法可以获取足够数量稳定的匹配点对,较好地约束了序列影像之间的几何关系,得到的拼接影像无缝清晰,适应于低重叠度无人机影像的快速拼接。 关键词: ASIFT算法;  低重叠度;  图像拼接;  无人机;  序列影像     Abstract: The efficiency of data acquisition can be greatly improved by imaging with low overlap in the UAV platform to meet the demands of the timeliness requirements for aerial reconnaissance and emergency rescue.However,the features that low overlap and serious rotation angle can bring greater errors with the conventional process of orthophoto mosaic.In this paper,an algorithm based on ASIFT with low overlap UAV image registration is proposed.Then the sparse bundle adjustment is used to constrain the space relationship of the sequence of images.A multi\|resolution spline mosaics technique with optimal transformation matrix of overlap images is presented.Experimental result shows that the proposed method can obtain a large number of stable correspondences and transformation matrix of overlap images for further seamless image stitching,which can be useful for low overlap UAV images stitching.



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