  • 软件名称:高光谱遥感影像端元提取算法研究进展及分类
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 王茂芝,徐文皙,王璐,郭科
  • 软件来源: 《遥感技术与应用》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


摘要: 在给出端元的物理、代数和几何学解释基础上,对现有端元提取算法从算法设计机理出发,分为基于几何学、基于统计学和信号检测理论以及空间和光谱相结合三大类,并进一步对基于几何学的端元提取算法从技术处理手段差异细分为基于距离、体积、投影变换和最优化4种情况。结合端元提取算法分类,针对算法缺陷及改进思路,介绍了常见端元提取算法PPI、N-FINDR、UOSP、VCA、ICA、NMF和AMEE研究进展。最后,结合解混理论进展和工程应用实际,从技术综合和性能优化的角度指出了端元提取算法的研究展望。 关键词: 高光谱遥感;  端元提取;  线性光谱混合模型;  性能优化     Abstract: An explanation of endmember based on physics,algebra and geometry is described.And a classification,with three categories,of endmember extraction algorithms based on algorithm design theory is provided,namely,endmember extraction algorithms designed based on geometry,endmember extraction algorithms designed based on statistics and signal detection theory,and endmember extraction algorithms designed based on combination of spectral and spatial information.Furthmore,the category based on geometry can be subdivided into four conditions according to the different techniques,that is,distance,volume,projection and transformation,optimization.Owing to the classification of endmember extraction algorithms,the defects and improved techniques,research progress of some commonly endmember extraction algorithms including PPI,N\|Findr,UOSP,VCA,ICA,NMF,and AMEE are described.At last,from the point of view on engineering application of hyperspectral remote sensing and the development of unmixing theory,two research prospects on endmember extraction algorithm are pointed out.One prospect is combination of all different techniques used in endmember extraction,and the other is the performance optimization of existing algorithms. 



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