  • 软件名称:基于MODIS多时相的江苏启东市油菜种植面积提取
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 王松林,张佳华,刘学锋
  • 软件来源: 《遥感技术与应用》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


摘要: 利用遥感手段,基于油菜种植生长期的MODIS\|NDVI 16 d合成数据,提取江苏省启东市2008~2009、2009~2010和2010~2011年3个生长季的冬季油菜种植面积。根据油菜生育期NDVI值的时相变化建立了NDVI时序曲线;利用阈值剔除非耕地数据后,对数据利用最小噪声分离(MNF)方法进行压缩处理,最后利用波谱角分类法确定油菜种植区的空间分布,计算油菜种植面积。计算结果与实际统计面积相比,精度达到90%以上,表明该方法作为一种快速油菜种植面积监测方法,具有较高的监测精度。 关键词: 油菜种植面积;  MODIS数据;  NDVI;  启东     Abstract: :In this paper,based on MODIS-NDVI 16 d synthetic datasets of growing period of rape cultivation,we extracted the three growing seasons of 2008~2009,2009~2010 and 2010~2011 of winter rape cultivated area in Qidong city,Jiangsu province by remote sensing method.According to the phase change to the value of NDVI of rape growing period,the NDVI timing curve was established;after excluded non-cultivated land data by utilizing threshold,and using Minimum Noise Fraction Transform (MNF) method to compress the data,finally we used Spectral Angle Mapper to determine rape spatial distribution of rape growing region and comput the rape planting area.Compared the results with the actual statistical area,the accuracy was more than 90%,which indicated that this method serves as a rapid method for monitoring rape planting area,has its good accuracy for monitoring.



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