  • 软件名称:竖版中国数字山地图(1∶670万)的设计与编制
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 南希,李爱农,陈昱,邓伟
  • 软件来源: 《遥感技术与应用》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


摘要: 面向中国山地宏观尺度分析与认知的需要,用数字地貌与遥感结合的方法,设计并编制了竖版中国数字山地图.该专题图对中国山地空间范围界定与分级做了较为系统的制图表达和统计,得到我国山地面积约6.2239×106km2,占陆地国土总面积(小于100km2,岛屿除外)的64.89%.该图在广义的山地定义下,展现中国山地—高原—丘陵—平原的复杂空间组合与统计特征,梳理我国大型山脉走向、级别与外形,总体上实现了从定量分析到定性归纳山地基本属性的预期,为山地宏观尺度的相关研究提供参考. 关键词: 中国山地;  界定;  分级;  地图;  设计与编制     Abstract: Digital mountain map of China is designed and compiled with the methods of digital geomorphology and remote sensing data,which is used as a reference map in mountain analysis and research.In this map,the boundaries of mountain regions in China are defined,classified and compiled systematically.By statistical analysis,the area of mountain regions in China is estimated to be about 6.2239×106 km2,accounting for 64.89% of the terrestrial land in China (those islands smaller than 100 km2are not included).It is the first time to propose scientific concept and design of The Digital Mountain Map,which has filled the empty of thematic maps for mountain research.In this map,spatial distribution and combinatorial characteristics of different land forms (mountains,plateaus,hills,and plains) are illustrated clearly,and most of the principal mountain ranges are drawn to describe their directions,levels,and types.based on the quantitative analysis and qualitative induction,this map which reveals essential attributes of mountain regions in China could provide a reference for mountain research in large scale.



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