  • 软件名称:基于开源GIS的DHSVM模型河网数据自动制备方法应用研究
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 赵彦博,曹学诚,南卓铜,吴小波
  • 软件来源: 《遥感技术与应用》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


摘要: 基于物理机制的分布式水文模型DHSVM能精细模拟中小流域水文过程,在国内外有广泛应用。该模型驱动数据制备繁杂,其河网数据用Arc/Info AML脚本生成,受昂贵的商业许可限制,严重影响DHSVM的可操作性和普及应用。在剖析DHSVM模型中河网数据表达与组织的基础上,采用C++和开源GIS库实现了DHSVM河网数据的自动制备。新方法将可执行程序和配置信息分离,配置灵活\,可控性强,是DHSVM实现自动化运行和智能化配置的必要基础。 关键词: DHSVM;  河网;  开源;  GIS;  水系提取     Abstract: The physically\|explicit hydrological model,Distributed Hydrology\|Soil\|Vegetation Model (DHSVM),has been widely used for modelling hydrological processes in the meso\| and micro\|scale catchments.The model is driven by various forcing data with specific formats,needing complicated works to prepare those inputs.In particular,the stream network data are generated through the outdated Arc/Info AML script language,which is commercially licensed,making the data preparation very inconvenient for users.This study designed and implemented an automatic work by using an open source GIS library and C++ flow for generating stream network data files required by DHSVM.The representation and organization of stream network data in DHSVM were fully examined before the implementation.A strategy of separating executables and configuration files was adopted in order to improve its usability.This work lays a solid foundtion for future automation of the whole DHSVM running covering input preparation,model running and results analyzing,which is necessary when DHSVM is integrated to any operational forecasting system.



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