  • 软件名称:月表光度模型研究进展
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 许学森,刘建军,刘斌,曾兴国,任鑫
  • 软件来源: 《遥感技术与应用》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


摘要: 月表光度模型是描述月表辐亮度随光照观测几何变化的函数模型,主要应用于月表图像及光谱数据光度校正过程中,消除光照观测几何对月表图像及光谱数据的影响,在月表图像镶嵌、月表矿物识别与反演、月表物理参数反演以及月表光度异常区研究等方面有重要的应用意义。美国LRO多角度月表光谱数据以及我国CE\|3号月表就位光谱数据的获取促进了月表光度模型的应用研究。首先系统地总结了目前国际上主要的光度模型,并分析几类模型的适用性,然后在总结其应用存在的关键问题基础上探讨了未来的研究趋势:①针对不同的应用目标数据采用不同的光度模型和校正方法,开展月表光度模型适用性和比较研究;②在现有的月表多角度光谱数据有限情况下,研究月表分区以及校正标准角问题,从而提高校正准确率;③在此后的月球与深空探测任务设计时,考虑获取更丰富的月表多角度光谱数据,促进光度模型的研究,从而更好地研究月表物理和光度特性。 关键词: 月表;  光度模型;  图像镶嵌;  矿物反演;  光度异常     Abstract: Lunar photometric model concerns how the brightness of the moon surface〖HT5H〗〖STHZ〗〖JY〗(下转第652页)〖HT〗〖ST〗depends on the illumination and observing geometry.It’s mainly used for removing the effect of the local scene viewing and illumination geometry to Lunar spectrum data.And it’s important in the application of image mosaicking,identification and inversion of lunar mineral,calculation of lunar physical parameters and research of abnormal photometric area.LRO’s multi\|angle and CE\|3’s in\|situ spectral data are promoting research of Lunar photometric model.At first,this paper summerized mainly photometric models and their characteristics.Then discussed the development tendency in this field:① Using different photometric model and correction method to different data to have a research on fitness and comparision;② Researching on the issue of partion and normalized angles to improve the correction accuracy with limmited lunar spectrum data.③ Trying to acquire more Luanr multiangle spectrum data to promote the research on the Moon by later Lunar exploration.



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