  • 软件名称:不同工程海域围填和岸线利用差异的遥感研究
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 孙凤琴,徐涵秋,唐菲,王美雅,杨立娟
  • 软件来源: 《遥感技术与应用》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


摘要: 通过天津中心渔港、宁德核电厂、珠海货煤码头围填前后SPOT\|5/6遥感影像的信息提取和比较,分析3个工程海域围填和岸线利用的差异。研究表明:天津中心渔港以垂岸向海为主的建设形态更有利于岸线的节约利用,其围填效率1.46 km2/km、岸线增长1 362.60%,均数倍于后两者,综合各指标判定其海域围填和岸线利用效率为三者中最高。后两者均以沿岸铺开建设为主,且横纵比相近,但宁德核电厂采用的海岛包围式围填导致的岸线损失大,使其围填效率仅约是珠海货煤码头的1/3。围填方式、平面建设形态(横纵比)、围填效率、岸线消长比例共同决定了海域围填和岸线利用的效率。这些因素可以通过工程平面设计的改进来优化,以提高海岸资源利用效率,减少资源占用及其环境影响。 关键词: 海域围填;  岸线利用;  工程平面设计;  遥感     Abstract: Three groups of high resolution SPOT\|5/6 remote sensing images were used to interpret and compare the sea reclamation and coastline utilization among Tianjin Central Fishing Harbor,Ningde Nuclear Power Plant and Zhuhai Coal Terminal.The results indicated that Tianjin Central Fishing Harbor mainly extended seaward and this style benefited the coastline conservation. Both of its  reclamation intensity and coastline growth  were several times more than that of Ningde and Zhuhai. According to all indicators, Tianjin harbor was most efficient in sea reclamation and coastline utilization.Ningde Nuclear Power plant and Zhuhai coal terminal mainly extended longshore with similar horizontal\|to\|vertical ratios,but Ningde got much lower reclamation intensity,about only one\|third to that of Zhuhai,for its huge coastline loss due to the island\|besieged reclamation.The reclamation style,horizontal\|to\|vertical ratio reclamation efficiency and coastline configuration could be optimized by the engineering graphic design,to benefit the coastal resources utilization and conservation.



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