  • 软件名称:西域都护府/且末古城数字地望考与长波段雷达次地表考古初探
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 尤江彬,陈富龙
  • 软件来源: 《遥感技术与应用》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


摘要: 西汉时期的西域都护府治所乌磊城与“西域三十六国”之一的且末城,在历史文献中曾多次出现。然而由于尚未发现合乎描述的古城或者证明古城身份的证据,目前的考古界对于这两座古城的具体位置未能确定。在总结前人研究成果的基础之上,首先利用《汉书·西域传》中所记载的古城间道里数,结合数字地图空间分析以及自然地理环境与路网关系,对两个未知古城嫌疑热点区域进行定位。其次,利用合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar,SAR)对干旱地表的穿透性,定量评估了L波段PALSAR\|2卫星(Phased Array Type L\|band Synthetic Aperture Radar)在古城热点区域的穿透深度。结果表明:在位于阳霞绿洲东北缘的西域都护府疑似区,PALSAR\|2穿透能力有限,次地表古城直接探测并不可行,需通过对周边古河道、古道路以及古烽燧等的探测及空间分析确定其位置;然而在位于今且末县城北约100 km的且末古城疑似区,PALSAR\|2穿透性较好,具备直接探测次地表古城的潜力。  关键词: 西域都护府;  且末古城;  道里;  PALSAR-2;  穿透性     Abstract: The lost cities of Wulei (the Safeguard City in the Western Region) and Qiemo in Han Dynasty are important ruins described in several historical documents.In this study,a spatial analysis was proposed to digitally locate those two ancient cities by using the distance records from Book of Han.Results indicate that Wulei is located at the northeast of Yangxia Oasis and Qiemo is located at a desert area 100 km north from the modern Qiemo County.Then,a quantitative estimation of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) in subsurface penetration was conducted to evaluate the archaeological performance of ALOS PALSAR-2 (Phased Array Type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar\|2) data.Simulation results show that the penetration of L\|band SAR is limited in the hot\|spot of Wulei,hampering the direct detection of its ruin.Thereby,the detection of ancient channels,roads and beacon towers adjacent in conjunction with the buffering analysis could be the alternative solution.Nevertheless,the penetration capability of L-band SAR is promising (up to more than 2 m) in the suspected region of Qiemo ruin,implying the potential of PALSAR\|2 data for the lost city prospection.



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