  • 软件名称:GPM卫星微波辐射计SST产品观测覆盖度与不确定性分析研究
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 赵洪臣,周兴华,刘永学,纪雪,杨磊,孙超,金松
  • 软件来源: 《遥感技术与应用》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


摘要: 全球降雨观测(Global Precipitation Measurement,GPM)卫星微波辐射计(GPM Microwave Radiometer,GMI)是一种新型微波传感器,至今尚无其海表温度(Sea Surface Temperature,SST)产品应用性能相关研究,为给该产品的后期应用提供信息参考,统计了GMI SST 2014年4月~2016年3月的月、年平均覆盖度,并分析SST观测覆盖度的时空变异;选用浮标、志愿观测船(Voluntary Observing Ship Climate,VOSClim)数据作为验证数据,进行匹配数据集构建和分析,并基于匹配数据集分析GMI SST产品的反演不确定性。结果表明:GMI SST的年平均观测覆盖度达0.51,略低于全球平均覆盖度(0.59),但远高于红外SST产品覆盖度;以±3 h/0.1°作为时空匹配窗口,6.5 m/s作为风速阈值构建匹配数据集可有效消除不确定性分析的部分误差;基于该匹配数据集验证GMI SST精度为-0.02±0.89 ℃(Bias±RMSE)。 关键词: GMI SST;  观测覆盖度;  不确定性;  分析     Abstract: Though the global precipitation measurement microwave imager(GMI)has been a new microwave sensor for about two years,no capability evaluation of GMI SST has been made.For providing some helpful information to using the products later,in the paper,monthly/annual GMI SST measurement coverage are calculated using GMI products during 4/2014 and 3/2016 and spatial and temporal variation of the coverage are also analyzed.Besides,to generate matchups set with buoy and Voluntary Observing Ship Climate(VOSClim)measurements as in\|situ data strategy has been made,and retrieval uncertainty of GMI SST are finally evaluated.All the work show,(1)the GMI SST annual coverage is about 0.51,smaller than global average,which is 0.59,but it’s significant bigger than Infrared SSTs;(2)using±3 h/0.1° as temporal and spatial match windows,and 6.5 m/s as a wind speed threshold to exclude outliers can eliminate some of the errors effectively;(3)GMI SST Bias is-0.02±0.89 ℃,and is approximate to bias of some other SST products.



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