  • 软件名称:2002~2015年西藏雅鲁藏布江流域积雪变化及影响因子分析研究
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 拉巴卓玛,次珍
  • 软件来源: 《遥感技术与应用》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


摘要: 以西藏母亲河雅鲁藏布江流域为研究区,从2002年7月至2015年4月,选取9月至次年8月的水文年开展积雪和气象因子分析,所采用的数据主要有:500 m MODIS逐日积雪无云数据、DEM数字高程、气象台站气象要素及MODIS地表温度数据等。对研究区开展了积雪变化及特征分析,并与主要气象要素和地表温度开展了相关性分析研究。结果表明:研究区近12年积雪平均面积为3.56×104km2,总体呈减少趋势,流域上游和下游是常年积雪覆盖率较大的区域,中游农区及河谷盆地主要以稳定和季节性积雪为主,常年积雪分布较少;海拔4 000 m以上为稳定积雪和常年积雪分布区,积雪持续天数在180 d以上,海拔4 000 m以下主要以季节性积雪为主,这一区域积雪变化波动较大;气温与积雪面积呈反相关,积雪面积受降水量影响小,地表温度与积雪相关性显著,可以认为气温升高是雅江流域积雪面积减少的主要驱动因子。 关键词: 积雪覆盖;  MODIS;  雅鲁藏布江;  西藏高原     Abstract: The snow cover variation in Yarlung Zangbo from July 2002 to April 2015,as the mother river of Tibet,has been analyzed in this article.The hydrological year is from September of the year to August of the next year.The snow cover variation was studied used by cloudless snow cover data at 500 m and surface temperature from MODIS,digital elevation model (DEM) and meteorological data.The relationship was established between surface temperature from MODIS and major meteorological factors.The results show that the average snow cover in the study area is 3.56× 104km2 in the past 12 years,showing an overall decreasing trend.The area with large snow cover is in the upper and lower reaches of the basin,and the stable and seasonal snow dominate the rural area in the middle reaches and valley basins,with perennial less snow distribution.The stability of snow and perennial snow distribution is more than 4 000 meters above the sea level,which the snow lasts for more than 180 days.And the seasonal snow is mainly less than 4 000 meters above sea level with large variation of snow cover in the area.The inversely relationship is between the air temperature and the area of snow cover,but not significant between the precipitation and the area of snow cover.And the correlation in the surface temperature and the area of snow cover is obvious.In Short,the rising temperature is the main driving factor of snow area reduction in the basin.



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