  • 软件名称:TG-2多角度偏振成像仪云相态识别机载验证试验
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 郭俊杰,姚志刚
  • 软件来源: 《遥感技术与应用》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


摘要: 天基多角度光学偏振测量技术可以用于探测云和气溶胶信息,而且对温度等先验信息的依赖性很弱。为了验证我国自主研制的TG\|2多角度偏振成像仪的云相态探测功能,利用机载多角度偏振成像仪首次观测试验数据,结合典型条件下数值模拟结果,开展了液态水云偏振特征观测与数值模拟的对比分析。基于libRadtran模式的模拟表明,水云在140°散射角附近存在偏振辐射极大值(主虹)。基于探空和微波辐射计的探测结果分析表明,在试验区域3.7 km高度以下存在液态水云。同时,机载多角度偏振成像仪也准确地获取了液态云滴在 140°散射角附近呈现出的偏振辐射的极大值(主虹)特征。此外,相近时次的MODIS观测数据也表明,该区域存在大范围的液态水云。以上结果验证了我国自主研制的多角度偏振成像仪具有不依赖于温度等先验信息而识别云相态的功能,为后续进一步开展云相态的天基偏振观测奠定了基础。  关键词: 多角度偏振成像;  云相态;  libRadtran;  主虹     Abstract: Multi\|angle polarization measurement technology can be used to detect cloud and aerosol information,and it barely depends on prior temperature information.In order to verify capability of cloud phase classification from the TG\|2 Multi\|angle Polarization Imager developed independently by China,the results of first airborne observation experiment of Multi\|angle Polarization Imager for cloud observations were compared with the results of numerical simulation under typical conditions.The libRadtran model simulation shows that the water cloud has the maximum polarized radiation (primary rainbow) for scattering angles near 140°.The results based on radio sounding and microwave radiometer show that there are water cloud under 3.7 km height of the research area.Meanwhile,the Multi\|angle Polarization Imager accurately captures the character of maximum polarized radiation of water cloud droplet (primary rainbow) near 140° scattering angles.In addition,the corresponding MODIS observation data also shows there exists a large scale of water cloud near the research area.Above results comprehensively indicate the Multi\|angle Polarization Imager has the function of cloud phase recognition without relying on prior information,and this test lays the foundation for the further study of the space\|based polarization observations of cloud phase.



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