  • 软件名称:灰霾遥感监测研究进展
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 向嘉敏, 祝善友, 张桂欣, 刘祎, 周洋
  • 软件来源: 《遥感技术与应用》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


摘要: 灰霾是严重危害人类健康和影响社会经济发展的重大天气灾害之一。采用遥感技术高精度的动态监测灰霾时空分布,是开展灰霾预报预警与影响研究的基础,已成为大气环境等领域的研究热点。综述了灰霾遥感监测的国内外研究进展,主要监测方法可归并为三大类:基于光谱特征差异的图像变换与灰霾指数提取、利用气溶胶光学厚度直接监测与估算大气颗粒物浓度间接监测、综合光学传感器与激光雷达遥感数据的灰霾垂直与水平分布特征立体监测,总结讨论了灰霾遥感监测中存在的问题与困难。最后对灰霾遥感监测的发展趋势进行了分析,未来应在多源遥感手段协同的立体监测体系发展基础上,进一步开展高时空分辨率的雾霾模拟预报研究与业务应用。  关键词: 灰霾;  气溶胶;  遥感;  ')" href="#">监测     Abstract: The haze weather is one of the serious disasters affecting the human health and social economic development.Quantitatively monitoring the haze spatio-temporal distribution with a higher precision by remote sensing technology is the basis to predict the haze spreading and then warn its influence early,which has been a hot issue in the research field of atmospheric environment.The corresponding progress in haze monitoring by remote sensing technology at home and abroad were summarized in this paper.The main methods of haze monitoring can be classified intothree categories:the image transformation from multi-channels and construction of haze indices based on the spectral differences,monitoring directly by the aerosol optical depth and indirectly by estimating the content of atmospheric particulates,and monitoring vertical and horizontal distribution features from multi-sources remotely sensed data combined the passive optical sensors with the active laser radars.Then the existing problems and difficulties were also discussed.In the future,on the basis of developing three-dimensional haze monitoring technology by multi-sources remote sensing methods,research on haze simulation and prediction with high spatio-temporal resolution as well as its practical application need to be further strengthened.



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