  • 软件名称:基于ALOS数据的巨尾桉蓄积量遥感估测——以广西平南县为例
  • 软件大小: 299.00 KB
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 刘庭威; 曾明宇; 旦增
  • 软件来源: 本站原创
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


蓄积量是森林资源监测的一项重要指标,蓄积量遥感估测一直是林业遥感研究的重要内容。本文采用ALOS数据为遥感信息源,以广西自治区平南县优势树种巨尾桉为研究对象,分析选取影响巨尾桉蓄积量估测主要的遥感信息和地理信息因子,结合郁闭度实地调查因子,建立了巨尾桉蓄积量估测模型,模型精度达91.18%。 更多还原

【Abstract】 The stock volume is an important indicator in forest resources monitoring,how to estimate forest stock volume by remote sensing had been an important part of remote sensing study.In this paper,the main dependent variables of remote sensing and geographic information which influencing stock volume estimation of Eucalyptus grandis×E.urophylla were analyzed in Pingnan county of Guanxi province,then the estimation model of Eucalyptus grandis×E.urophylla stock volume was established based on ALOS dat... 更多还原



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