  • 软件名称:导航用重力梯度基准图构建方法的比较研究
  • 软件大小: 1.31 MB
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 钱东; 刘繁明; 李艳; 张迎发
  • 软件来源: 本站原创
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


 系统研究一种基于自由空间异常或布格异常数据的构图方法,避免相关研究构建梯度图时较少考虑标准测量数据,构图结果物理意义不明确和缺乏实用性的缺点。以重力归算理论推导构图方法原理,然后用频域算法实现构图过程中两个关键计算过程,通过算例分析构图效果。所构基准图数值、轮廓等关键特征均与实测重力梯度吻合较好,证明该方法在重力梯度辅助导航基准图构建中的实用价值。 更多还原

【Abstract】 In order to overcome some drawbacks,such as little consideration of existing gravity database and physical meaning of the modeled results in reference map composition researches,a mapping method which starts from Free-air anomaly and Bouguer anomaly data is proposed.Based on gravity reduction theory,principle of the method is derived first.and then key algorithms in the computation is introduced.Effectiveness of the approach is analyzed detail by detail through two application examples,the resul... 更多还原



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