  • 软件名称:加权总体最小二乘在三维基准转换中的应用
  • 软件大小: 1.67 MB
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 袁庆; 楼立志; 陈玮娴;
  • 软件来源: 本站原创
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


对比研究加权总体最小二乘(weighted total least-squares,WTLS)方法和混合最小二乘(LS-TLS)方法、最小二乘(least-squares,LS)方法在三维空间小角度直角坐标转换中的适用性。在两套坐标系下坐标测量值均存在误差时,用WTLS方法不但可以对观测向量y和系数矩阵A同时修改、将坐标先验精度引入平差计算,而且引入的权阵PA对系数阵A起到固定常数元素而只修改必要数据元素的作用,以得到更合适的参数解。 更多还原

【Abstract】 The serviceability of weighted total least-squares method,the LS-TLS method and the least-squares method were compared in the three dimensional small angular region rectangular coordinates transformation.When the coordinate observed value was influenced by the error in both of the coordinate systems,using WTLS method could revise the observation vector y and the coefficient matrix A,introduce the coordinate prior precision to the adjustment computation,and fix the constant element and adjust the... 更多还原



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