  • 软件名称:基于Kalman滤波的星载双天线InSAR基线误差估计
  • 软件大小: 367.00 KB
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 王晓光; 王治强; 杨新;
  • 软件来源: 本站原创
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


针对星载双天线干涉合成孔径雷达(InSAR)系统中测量误差和天线支撑臂抖动等因素影响基线确定精度问题,设计星上估计器。基于光学相机和激光测距仪等组成的基线测量系统,考虑基线抖动,结合天线支撑臂的模态分析,构建完整的状态方程和测量方程,给出Kalman滤波算法。由模拟结果可知,其基线矢量误差估计,可满足基线精度确定要求。 更多还原

【Abstract】 Considering that the determination precision of interferometric baseline of spaceborne dual-antenna InSAR would be reduced due to the effect of measurement errors and mast oscillations,an onboard estimator is proposed.Based on the baseline measurement system which comprises the optical camera and laser range finder,a Kalman filter was designed,which got blended with a second-order model of the mast flexible dynamics.Simulations conducted show that the filter could precisely estimate the baseline... 更多还原



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