  • 软件名称:利用边界特征自动识别台风云系
  • 软件大小: 1.38 MB
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 鲁娟; 张长江; 张翔; 杨波; 端木春江;
  • 软件来源: 本站原创
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


基于台风无论是在生成期、成熟期,还是在消亡期,都具有螺旋性的特征,非台风云系无此特征,充分挖掘云系边界特点,统计出单幅云图中各云系边界的旋转程度。运用Bezier直方图曲率曲线两次确定分割阈值,迭代分割卫星云图,结合台风的旋转与面积、形状等几何特性,识别卫星云图中的台风云系。实验表明该方法对台风云系有很好的识别率。 更多还原

【Abstract】 Typhoon has different characteristics, such as texture, shape, and area, in different development stages. We could not automatically recognize the typhoon clouds in all stages based on these features. During different development stages, ty-phoon all has helicity and non-typhoon has no helicity. Based on this, we extract boundary information of clouds and statistics of the rotation degree of boundary clouds in single satellite image. In this paper, we use curvature curve of Bezier histogram to o... 更多还原



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