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招聘GIS Programmer

作者:cry12345…    信息来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2006-11-20




a global offshore software and information technology outsourcing provider  is now looking for a GIS Programmer in Shenzhen.



Job descriptions:

- Understands GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and how to use programming skills to customize ArcGIS Software to meeting business needs.

- Current software uses ArcIMS to perform GIS analysis and to display maps using Java web architecture (JSP, Java, Struts, HTML, and JavaScript, Servlet) and SQL Server database.  

- The GIS architecture will be enhanced  to incorporate ESRI ArcGIS 9.2. This includes moving the web client to an AJAX model that will be built in C# .Net and Java components. Software development will also incorporate the ArcGIS Mobile architecture (C# and .Net Mobile skills required) that is new with ArcGIS 9.2.  Prior experience with other  recent ArcGIS releases (9.x) will be an asset when working on the transition to ArcGIS 9.2.  

- The ability to manage ArcGIS software like ArcSDE, ArcGIS Server and ArcIMS will allow the successful GIS Developer candidate to be more self-sustaining. 

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