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作者:gis    文章来源:GIS帝国    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-22


l 要点

需要实现IMultiItem接口,但不需要同时实现Icommand接口。IMultiItem接口包括Caption,itemCaption,ItemBitmap,ItemEnabled,ItemChecked, Message及Name等属性和OnItemClick, OnPopup事件。




l 程序说明


l 代码

Option Explicit

Implements IMultiItem

Private m_pApp As IApplication

Private m_pMxDoc As IMxDocument
'当前Focus Map

Private m_pMap As IMap

Private m_pLayerCnt As Long

Private Property Get IMultiItem_Caption() As String
    IMultiItem_Caption = "ZoomToLayers"

End Property

Private Property Get IMultiItem_HelpContextID() As Long

End Property

Private Property Get IMultiItem_HelpFile() As String

End Property

Private Property Get IMultiItem_ItemBitmap(ByVal Index As Long) As esriCore.OLE_HANDLE

End Property

Private Property Get IMultiItem_ItemCaption(ByVal Index As Long) As String    Dim i As Integer
    ' 遍历每一个层
    For i = 0 To m_pLayerCnt - 1
        ' 如果层号与当前Item的Index相同,就设置该Item的Caption
        If Index = i Then
            IMultiItem_ItemCaption = "Zoom to " & m_pMap.Layer(i).Name
        End If
End Property

Private Property Get IMultiItem_ItemChecked(ByVal Index As Long) As Boolean
End Property

Private Property Get IMultiItem_ItemEnabled(ByVal Index As Long) As Boolean
    Dim i As Integer
    ' 遍历每一个层
    For i = 0 To m_pLayerCnt - 1
        If Index = i Then
            If m_pMap.Layer(i).Visible Then
                IMultiItem_ItemEnabled = True
            End If
        End If
End Property

Private Property Get IMultiItem_Message() As String
    IMultiItem_Message = "Zooms to the layer."
End Property

Private Property Get IMultiItem_Name() As String
    IMultiItem_Name = "ZoomMulti"
End Property

Private Sub IMultiItem_OnItemClick(ByVal Index As Long)
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim pEnv As IEnvelope
    Dim m_BookMark As IAOIBookmark
    ' 遍历每一个层
    For i = 0 To m_pLayerCnt – 1
        '如果层号与当前Item的Index相同,则以该层的AreaOfInterest 为范围执行Zoom
        If Index = i Then
            Set pEnv = m_pMap.Layer(i).AreaOfInterest
            Set m_BookMark = New AOIBookmark
            Set m_BookMark.Location = pEnv
            m_BookMark.ZoomTo m_pMap
        End If
End Sub

Private Function IMultiItem_OnPopup(ByVal hook As Object) As Long
    Set m_pApp = hook
    ' 获取Map中的层数
    Set m_pMxDoc = m_pApp.Document
    Set m_pMap = m_pMxDoc.FocusMap
    m_pLayerCnt = m_pMap.LayerCount
    ' 显示的Item数等于层数
    IMultiItem_OnPopup = m_pLayerCnt
End Function

Tags:ArcMap VBA  
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