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作者:gis    文章来源:GIS帝国    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-22


l 要点

用户通过在类模块中实现IMenuDef接口来创建定制的菜单(Menu),如果要使菜单出现在Customize Dialog的Menus类型中,必须同时实现IrootLevelMenu接口,它表明菜单为root menu。IMenuDef接口包括 Caption、ItemCount及Name三个属性和GetItemInfo方法。类似IToolBarDef(参照1.2.3)

l 程序说明


l 代码

Option Explicit

'Implement the IMenuDef interface and IRootLevelMenu interface
Implements IMenuDef
Implements IRootLevelMenu

Private Property Get IMenuDef_Caption() As String
     ' Set the string that appears as the menu's title
     IMenuDef_Caption = "MyMenu"
End Property

Private Sub IMenuDef_GetItemInfo(ByVal pos As Long, _
ByVal itemDef As esriCore.IItemDef)
     ' Define the commands that will be on the menu. The built-in ArcMap
     ' Full Extent command, and Fixed Zoom In command are added to this custom menu.
     ' ID is the ClassID of the command. Group determines whether the command
     ' begins a new group on the menu
     Select Case pos
     Case 0
         itemDef.ID = "promenu.clsmultitem"
         itemDef.Group = False
     Case 1
         itemDef.ID = "esriCore.FullExtentCommand"
         itemDef.Group = True
     Case 2
         itemDef.ID = "esriCore.ZoomInFixedCommand"
         itemDef.Group = False
     End Select
End Sub

Private Property Get IMenuDef_ItemCount() As Long
     ' Set how many commands will be on the menu
     IMenuDef_ItemCount = 3
End Property

Private Property Get IMenuDef_Name() As String
     ' Set the internal name of the menu.
     IMenuDef_Name = "MyMenu"
End Property

Tags:ArcMap VBA  
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